Episode 10
Comcast: Vision, Pragmatism and Collaboration in Treasury Transformation
Comcast is the world’s largest media company, bringing together some of the world’s most exciting entertainment platforms, from Xfinity cable and wireless services in the US, Sky in the UK, and NBCUniversal’s portfolio of news, entertainment, streaming services and theme parks.
Since 2019, Comcast’s treasury has been engaged in a global programme to transform its activities and connectivity both within the business and beyond. In this episode, Bobbie Eiseman, President of Comcast Capital Corporation, outlines some of the project facets, achievements and success factors so far.
To read more about the Comcast case study, download the 2022-23 edition of the Journeys to Treasury report.
In the next episode…
Evaluating the Impact of BASEL IV, with Bruno François, Deputy Global Head of Trade Finance and Network Management, BNP Paribas and Guillaume Magdelyns, Director - Risk & Regulatory Financial Services, PwC